The mission for Sisterhood is to help provide a welcoming, nurturing environment for fellowship and purposeful endeavors both Jewishly and community-oriented among its members and the entire congregation. Every March we are privileged to create a special Shabbat service drawing from a variety of Jewish literary and liturgical sources to honor women's contributions to our extraordinary faith traditions, and we often remember those valiant non-Jewish feminine souls who made the world a better and safer place...
We now host two annual Mah Jongg Tournaments to raise money for temple-related expenses as well as for the women's shelter (which Dazee's, in Green Valley, supports). By dedicating a portion of our income from the tournament to women who must begin their
lives anew, we satisfy a religious as well as a profoundly urgent social need for Tzedakah. We enjoy collaborative undertakings with several temple committees.
Our board meets the second Tuesday of every month, at 10:00 am, in the temple library, to conduct business, and all Sisterhood members are invited to participate in the discussions and future planning.
We not only arrange for lectures and cultural-arts programs for our membership, and in- house fashion shows, but also organize one free, elaborate luncheon event for sisterhood members each year. Additionally we plan field trips of interest which are open to the entire congregation as well as friends.
We have enjoyed visits to: Queen Creek Olive Mill, Native American reservations, area museums, H.F. Coors Porcelain and Dinnerware Factory, Philabaum's Glass Blowing Studio, the Dolly Steamboat on Canyon Lake, Phoenix Musical Instruments Museumand local shows.
Annual dues are $ 20.